
Recent Events


21st Nov 2014

IBHI Indo-UK HIPEC Meet, 21st & 22nd November, 2014, Chennai, India

Venue: Auditorium, MIOT International, Chennai

About Indo-UK HIPEC Meet, 2014 The Indo-British Health Initiative (IBHI) and the British Deputy High Commission jointly organised the Indo-UK Oncology Summit on HIPEC, the most latest and advanced technique in the speciality in Chennai on 21st & 22nd November, 2014.

Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) is a highly concentrated, heated chemotherapy treatment that is delivered directly to the abdomen during surgery. The procedure also improves drug absorption and effect with minimal exposure to the rest of the body. In this way, the normal side effects of chemotherapy can be avoided. HIPEC is a treatment option for people who have advanced surface spread of cancer within the abdomen, without disease involvement outside of the abdomen.


Event Brochure.



Dr. Hemanth G N Dr. D Ramu Dr. Abheesh Varma Hegde M

Institution St.John’s Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, KA

Our heartiest congratulations to the Winners! The winners team were also awarded a prize amount of Rs.15000 (Rs.5000 for each participant).

THE GREAT DEBATE “The Great Debate” is a program to unearth conflicting standpoints among experts for in-depth analysis of pros and cons of trending therapeutic & advanced surgical techniques.

Best Treatment for Peritoneal Surface Malignancy – Standard of care HIPEC & Cytoreduction Achievable reality – Dr. Paul Fulford Vs A Hyped Myth – Dr. V P Gangadharan

CME POINTS The following CME points have been awarded for the IBHI INDO-UK HIPEC Meet to be conducted at MIOT International on Nov 21 & 22, 2014.1. The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University has awarded 20 Credit Points for the CME

2. The Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council has awarded 6 hours of CNE

3. The Tamil Nadu Medical Council has awarded 4 hours of CME

The entire two days event will be streamed live via IBHI website. Online viewers can register and post their query to the moderator and the concerned expert will answer to queries. Live Surgeries on HIPEC & Cytoreduction will be exhibited. The advanced technique that augments the effectiveness of treatment manifold.