Recent Events
INDO – UK Oncology Summit

The Indo British Health Initiative (IBHI) and the British Deputy High Commission has jointly organised this BIGGEST EVER INDO-UK Oncology Summit on Chennai on 6 & 7 September 2013.
IBHI presents an exclusive quizzing extravaganza intended for Post Graduates in Medicine. The quiz is designed to challenge participants on how well they understand the various causes, regional impacts, dietary habits, lifestyle influence and prevention measures to impact society at large. |
Interested candidates are invited to enroll & participate in this open event (preliminary online Quiz). Top 5 teams (3 per team) will be selected from among the online participants to compete in the grand finale (onground) which will be held on 6thSptember, 2013 in Chennai at Hilton Hotels.
Live Webcast of Quiz finals on Friday 9 AM.
Procedure: Step 1: Each team (3 Members Mandatory) should Register & Participate in the Online Oncology Quiz. Step 2: Only one submission per team allowed. Step 3: Top 5 teams selected for final on-ground quiz will be announced in the first week of September, 2013.
- Post Graduates in medicine
All registrants (bonafide post graduate / interns) for Online Oncology Quiz are entitled for free entry to witness/participate in the 2 day Indo-UK Oncology Summit to be held on 6th & 7th September, 2013 at Hilton Hotels in Chennai.
- The winning team will be awarded with cash prize of Rs. 15,000
Online Quiz is closed as the last date was 31st Aug.
An inspiring award to encourage budding talents – young scientists below the age of 40 from clinical sciences or basic sciences in the field of Oncology – who could provide a spring board to a new technology, protocol or therapy that may assist to change the perception of cancer care. |
Abstract Guidelines: The abstract of the scientific paper should be less than 250 words.
It should be structured under the following headings
Aims and Objectives | Briefly outline why the study was undertaken |
Method | Type of study being reported: RCT, case control, retrospective, etc and the duration of the study period |
Results | Salient finding in terms of demographics, Outcomes Statistical significance (if any) |
Conclusion | What is the conclusion from your paper |
- Age – Below 40 Years
- Open to healthcare professionals, students, scientists and health education involved in oncology
Selection Process:
- Participants are expected to enroll their registration and submit their papers through the “Enroll & Upload Abstract”option
- All submissions should be received latest by 31st August, 2013
- The submissions will be scrutinized by the committee and the top 10 will be invited to display their abstracts in the venue as posters on 7th September, 2013.
- The best 5 out of 10 will posters will be shortlisted to present to the elite panel of judges on the same day.
- Judgement will be based on originality, experimental design, scientific/clinical value and data supporting conclusions.
The event will be live streamed via website, which allows choosing favorite contender through Live poll / Audience Voting options.
Rewards: The best innovator will win a
- Cash award of Rs. 50,000
- A plaque
- A 6-week probable fellowship in a reputed institution
Registration for Young Innovator Award is closed as the last date was 31st Aug.
NOTE: Interested candidates can communicate to and you shall be announced on schedule of paper presentation during summit for Young Innovator Award shortly. Website will be updated with schedule of the 2 day event (IBHI Indo-UK Oncology Summit, 2013) shortly.
Detailed Schedule Day One
08:00 – 09:00 | Registration |
09:00 – 10:00 | Quiz on Oncology – Hall B |
10:00 – 10:15 | Coffee Break |
10:15 – 11:30 | Inauguration Ceremony |
10:15 – 10:20 | Welcome Address – Mr. Mike Nithavrianakis, British Deputy High Commissioner, Chennai & Ex Officio President – IBHI |
10:20 – 10:25 | Why IBHI – Dr. Prithvi Mohandas, Founder & Secretary – Indo British Health Initiative |
10:25 – 10:40 | Vote of Thanks Dr Prithvi Mohandas, Founder of Indo-British Health Initiative |
11:40 -11:55 | Chief Guest Address – Dr. Damodar Bachani, Deputy Commissioner – Non Communicable Diseases, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi |
10:40 – 10:55 | Inaugural Address – Lord Kakkar, Professor of Surgery, University College London |
10:55 – 11:10 | Cancer in the UK – Where are we heading – Prof. Arnie Purushotham, Prof. of Breast Cancer, King’s College London |
11:10 – 11:25 | The Indian Scenario in Cancer care – Dr. Rajendra Badwe, Director of Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai |
11:25 – 11:30 | Vote of Thanks – Dr. Ram Prabu, Medical Oncologist, MIOT International, Chennai |
11:30 – 11:45 | Coffee Break |
11:45 – 11:55 | IBHI Membership Enquiry/Stalls Visit/Registration for the MAS workshop 12:00 – Breakout sessions begin in Hall A, Hall B & Hall C |
Time | Hall A | Hall B | Hall C |
11:55 –12:00 | Prize Distribution (Quiz on Oncology) | ||
12:00 – 13:00 | Epidemiology
Chair: Prof. Subhashini John Speakers: 1. Challenges in Screening in Indian scenario. – Dr. Indraneel Mittra 2. Cancer: Global Incidence & Prevalence: An overview – Dr. Mark Saunders 3. Epidemiology and changing trends due to westernization – Dr. R. Swaminathan |
Quality Indicators in Cancer CareChair: Dr. Mani ChandrasekarSpeakers: 1. Standard Setting (EBM) – Mr. Malcolm Wilson 2.Implementation of guidelines – Mr. Ahmed Ahmed 3. Audit and Surgeon level reporting – Miss. Sarah O’Dwyer | Training future oncologists
Chair: Dr. Vikas Mahajan Mr. Chelliah Selvasekar Speakers: 1. Surgical oncology training in India – Dr. E. Hemanth Raj 2. Developing School of Oncology at Christie – Prof. Richard Cowan 3. Training in Medical oncology – Prof. Juan Valle 4. Training in Clinical oncology – Dr. Lip Wai Lee |
13:00 – 14:00 | Colon Cancer
Chair: Dr. Vijaya Kumar Speakers: 1. Is there a place for a dedicated colorectal cancer unit? – Miss. Sarah O’Dwyer 2. Role of Minimal access surgery in colon cancer – – Mr. Chelliah Selvasekar 3. The role of chemotherapy in Stage II colon cancer – Dr. Mark Saunders 4. Personalised therapies for CRC – Role of translational research – Dr. Mark Saunders |
Prostate Cancer
Chair: Prof. Vinod Raina Speakers: 1. Screening, Surveillance & Risk Stratification & Surgery – Prof. Noel Clarke 2. Radiotherapy in Early Carcinoma of Prostate – Prof. Richard Cowan 3. Castrate resistant Prostate Cancer – current management – Dr. Sankar Srinivasan |
Chair: Prof. Raju Titus Chacko Speakers: 1. Neuropathology and Genetic markers – gliomas – Dr. Mithra Ghosh 2. Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy – High grade gliomas – Prof. Subhashini John 3. Multidisciplinary team management in high grade glioma – Dr. U. Srinivasan |
14:00 –14:30 | LUNCH | ||
14:30 –15:30 | Rectal Cancer
Chair: Dr. S. Ayyapan Speakers: 1. Imaging for colorectal cancers: Staging, Restaging and recurrent disease – Dr. Rohit Kochhar 2. Chemoradiation in rectal cancer – What’s new – Dr. P. Mahadev 3. TME & Beyond – Mr. Malcolm Wilson |
Breast Cancer – Finding Indian Solutions to Indian ProblemsChair: Dr. P. Raghu Ram Dr. Selvi RadhakrishnaSpeakers: 1. Is Indian breast cancer different? – Dr. Vani Parmar2. Making breast surgery cost effective – -Dr Subramanyeshwar Rao3. Breast Screening in India – facts, realities & solutions. – Dr. P. Raghu Ram DISCUSSION | New Frontiers In Lung CancerChair: Prof. Vinod RainaSpeakers: 1. Advances in the surgical management of Lung cancer – Dr. GeorgeKarimundackal 2. Impact of Expansion in thoracic surgery on resection rate in lung cancer – Mr. Rajesh Shah3. Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy in early lung cancer – Dr. Thomas Samuel4. Personalised Medicine in Advanced Lung Cancer – Prof. Vinod Raina |
15:30 – 16:30 | Cervical Cancer – Session-IChair: Prof. Hani GabraSpeakers: 1. The burden of cervical cancer in India – Dr. Surendra Shastri2. CD 66+/ NOTCH high cells in Cervical Cancers – Prof. Sudhir Krishna3. Chemoradiation in Cervical cancer. – Prof. Selvalakshmi | GUEST LECTURES BY THE MASTERSChair: Dr. Somshekar 1. Sentinel node biopsy in Breast cancer – the standard of care – Prof. Robert Mansel2. Endocrine therapy in Breast Cancer – best practice guidelines – Prof. John Robertson3. The art & science of Oncoplastic Breast surgery – Mr. Gerald Gui4. Partial Breast Irradiation: Current Evidence & Ongoing Trials – Prof. John Yarnold | Diabetes management in hospitals Chair: Prof Anand Moses, Dr. A. Muruganathan Speakers: Dr Rowan Hillson Dr.Harish Kumar |
16:30 – 17:00 | TEA BREAK | ||
17:00 – 18:00 | Cervical Cancer – Session-II
Chair: Dr. Sudeep Gupta Speaker: 1. Overview of Surgery in Cervical Cancer – Dr. Rajendra A kerkar 2. Reducing morbidity in cervical cancer treatment: the way forward – Mr. Ahmed Ahmed 3. The role of chemotherapy in cervical cancer treatment: An overview – Prof. Hani Gabra |
GE Junction Cancer – Changing TrendsChair: Dr. E. Hemanth RajSpeakers: 1. Revised TNM staging of oesophageal cancer: role of PET/CT – Dr. Rohit Kochhar2. Management of GE Junction cancers – Improving outcomes – Mr. Kishore Pursnani3. Chemoradiation in Carcinoma of GE Junction. – Dr. S. Lakshmi Narayan | Haematological MalignanciesChair: Dr. Chezhian SubashSpeakers: 1. Update on treatment of CLL – focus on new therapies- Dr. Adrian Bloor 2. Autologous stem cell transplant for Myeloma – Indian scenario -Prof. Lalit Kumar3. Haplo-identical allotransplant – Indian perspective – Dr. Joydeep Chakrabartty |
18:00 | END OF DAY ONE |
Detailed Schedule Day Two
Time | Hall A | Hall B | Hall C |
08:00 – 09:00 | Meet The Masters – Training in Surgical OncologyChair: Mr. Kishore PursnaniSpeakers: 1. Training in Oesophago- Gastric cancer surgery – Mr. Kishore Pursnani2. International Fellowship at Christie with RCS ED – Mr. Chelliah Selvasekar3. Workplace based assessment: An implementation guide – Mr. Ahmed Ahmed4. Training in Thoracic surgery in UK – Dr. Rajesh Shah | Enhancing your Academic PortfolioChair: Dr. Rajendra BadweSpeakers: 1. Abstract, Poster and Oral presentations – Miss. Sarah O’Dwyer2. Writing for peer reviewed journal – Prof. Noel Clarke3. Oncologist view – Prof. Juan Valle | Palliation and Nurse Specialist in OncologyChair: Dr. Mallika ThiruvathanamSpeakers: 1. The role of clinical nurse specialist in oncology & brief overview of palliative care in UK – Ms. Anne Usansky2. Setting up of palliative care centre in India – Dr. Ilangovan3. Importance of Palliative Medicine in India. – Dr. Mallika Thiruvathanam |
09:00 – 10:00 | Ovarian Cancer
Chair: Dr. E. Hemanth Raj Speakers: 1. Screening for ovarian cancer – new insights, future directions – Prof. Usha Menon 2. Recurrent Ovarian cancer: The role of surgeon – Mr. Ahmed Ahmed 3. Chemotherapy Options in relapsed ovarian cancer – Prof. Hani Gabra 4. My approach to Ovarian Germ cell tumors – Prof. Lalit Kumar |
Bone and Soft Tissue TumorsChair: Prof. Mayil VahananSpeakers: 1. Endoprosthesis in limb salvage surgery – Prof. Mayil Vahanan2. Orthopaedic Management of bone tumors in Young – Dr. Rajesh Pawar3. Surgery in Pelvic bone tumours – Dr. J. C. Bose4. Role of chemotherapy in adjuvant & metastatic setting in soft tissue sarcoma – Dr. Sameer Bakhshi | Minimal Invasive Surgery In Oncology-How I Do It and DiscussionChair: Mr. Chelliah SelvasekarSpeaker: 1. MAS Esophagogastric cancers – Dr. C. Palanivelu2. Lap/Robotic Colorectal cancer resection – Mr. Chelliah Selvasekar3. Lap/Robotic Total Abdominal Hysterectomy – Mr. Ahmed Ahmed |
10:00 – 11:00 | Oncology Healthcare in India and UKChair: Dr. P. Raghu RamSpeakers: 1. Setting a benchmark for breast healthcare in India – Dr. P. Raghu Ram2. India-UK the benefit of partnership in Cancer – Prof. Arnie Purushotham3. Delivering affordable cancer care in India – Prof. Richard Sullivan | Paediatric Oncology
Chair: Prof. Vaskar Saha Speakers: 1. Childhood Cancer survivorship – a challenge – Dr. Purna kurkure 2. ALL in children – Indian scenario – Dr. Sameer Bakhshi 3. Recent Advances in ALL – Prof. Vaskar Saha 4. Paediatric lymphomas Indian Experience – Dr. Revathi Raj |
Surgery For Metastatic DiseaseChair: Mr. Rajesh ShahSpeakers: 1. Surgery for colorectal liver metastasis: Current status – Mr. Rahul Deshpande2. Surgery for pulmonary Metastasis – Dr. Rajesh C Mistry3. Post-chemotherapy salvage RPLND – Prof. Noel Clarke |
11:00 – 11:30 | COFFEE BREAK | ||
11:30 -12:30 | Head and Neck Cancer – Session IChair: Dr. Thomas SamuelSpeakers: 1. Disease Burden in India. – Dr. Anil D Cruz2. Surgical Challenges in Oral Cancer – Dr. M. Vijayakumar3. Neoadjuvant chemo therapy in locally advanced Oral Cancer – Dr. Lip Wai Lee | Pelvic Oncology MDT Case Discussion (Colorectal, Gynaecology, Urology) – Challenging Diagnosis & MDT with Q&A SessionChair: Miss. Sarah O‘ DwyerPanel : Prof. Noel Clarke Mr. Ahmed Ahmed Mr. Malcolm WilsonSpeakers: Colorectal cases: 1. HIPEC – Miss. Sarah O’ Dwyer & Mr. Malcolm Wilson2. Sacrectomy – Dr. Rajaraman R Urology cases:1. Testicular cancer – Prof. Noel Clarke2. Prof. Raju Titus Chacko | Hepatobiliary Cancer
Chair: Prof. Surendran Speakers: 1. Resection & Ablation for HCC – Mr. Rahul Deshpande 2. Liver transplantation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma – Prof. Surendran 3. Non-surgical Modalities in HCC – Dr. Murali 4. Establishing a coordinated research programme: lessons from Biliary Tract Cancer – Prof. Juan Valle |
12:30 – 13:30 | Head & Neck Cancer – Session II
Chair: Dr. Anil D’ Cruz Speakers: 1. Voice Preservation Surgery in Laryngeal Cancer – Dr. Moni Abraham Kuriakose 2. Organ Preservation – Dr. Lip Wai Lee 3. Challenges in reconstructive Surgeries in Head & Neck Malignancies – Dr. Shivaram Bharadwaj |
Pelvic oncology MDT case discussion (Cont)Gynaecology cases:Mr. Ahmed Ahmed and Prof. Hani Gabra | UK Commercial expertise in OncologyUK delegates (Companies & Universities), will be speaking about the commercial expertise, products and services in the field of Oncology |
13:30 – 14:15 | LUNCH | ||
14:15 – 15:15 | Advances in Nuclear MedicineChair: Dr. Rohit Kochhar/ Prof. Juan ValleSpeakers: 1. Role of Gallium Imaging in neuroendocrine tumours – Dr Simon Shelley2. Use of Yttrium-90 colloid for treating inoperable liver malignancies – Dr. Parameswaran3. Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy in Neuroendocrine tumors – Dr. K G Kallur | Researchers of the Future
Chair: Prof. S. Mahalingam Speakers: 1. Cancer Genome Sequencing – Dr. Rajiv sarin 2. Targeting the EWS-FLI1 protein – Dr. T Rajkumar 3. Autoimmunity in Cancer – Prof. John Robertson |
*MAS workshop (Industry sponsorship)1. Basics in Laparoscopy – Dr. V Baskaran2. Mr. Chelliah Selvasekar3. Mr. Ahmed Ahmed4. Mr. Kishore Pursnani |
15:15 – 16:15 | Young Innovator’s Award
Chair: Dr. Prithvi Mohandas Speaker: Five short presentations from our young innovators followed by an audience vote |
* Reps can bring their equipment to allow interested delegate to practice on simulators for a fixed time.
* Those who want to attend this session need to register on Friday at the time of registration.
16:15 – 17:00 | Closing Plenary Session |
16:15 – 16:20 | Prize Announcement & Distribution – Dr. Prithvi Mohandas Founder & Secretary – Indo British Health Initiative |
16:20 – 16:25 | Introducing the Guests – Mr. Mike Nithavrianakis British Deputy High Commissioner, Chennai & Ex Officio President – IBHI |
16:25- 16:35 | Special Address – Prof. D. Shantharam, Vice Chancellor, Dr MGR Medical University, Tamil Nadu |
16:35 – 16:50 | Chief Guests Address – Dr. J. Radhakrishnan, Secretary to Government, Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Tamil Nadu |
16:50 – 16:55 | What can UK Cancer Care offer? – Mr. Chelliah Selvasekar Consultant Colorectal & Laparoscopic surgeon, Christie Hospital NHS Foundation |
16:55 – 17:00 | How can India collaborate with the UK – Dr. Ganapathy Ramanan Consultant Medical Oncologist, Kumaran Hospitals & Apollo Speciality Hospitals |
17:00 – 17:05 | Vote of Thanks – Dr. S. Lakshmi Narayan – Head of Radiation Oncology, MIOT International, Chennai |
17:05 | END OF SUMMIT |
Friday Sep 6 | Hall A | Hall B | |
09:00 – 10:00 | Oncology Quiz Finals | ||
10.15 – 11.45 | Inauguration Ceremony | ||
12:00 – 02:00 | Breakout Sessions | ||
02.30 – 06:00 | Breakout Sessions | ||
Saturday Sep 7 | |||
08:00 – 11:00 | Breakout Sessions | ||
11.30 – 01.30 | Breakout Sessions | ||
02.15 – 03.15 | Breakout Sessions | ||
03.15 – 04.15 | Young Innovator Award | ||
04.15 – 05:00 | Closing Session |
The Grand Indo-UK Oncology Quiz Results
Winners – Team
Dr. Arun Philip Dr. Baswanth Malipatil Dr. Anbarasi
Institution Adyar Cancer Institute (Chennai)
Runners up – Team
Dr. Balasubramanian V Dr. Siva Kumar M Dr. Sivaram G
Institution Adyar Cancer Institute (Chennai)
IBHI ONCOLOGY SUMMIT – Grand Young Innovator Award
Dr. Vipin R Goel
Institution St Johns Medical College (Bangalore)
Abstract Title
Arsenic exposure & skin Malignancies – diligent observation, aberrant thinking and implementation action oriented schemes